Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stick a fork in them. They're done!

This weekend, watch for Harper & Co. to unleash a barrage of propaganda ads in a last ditch effort to cling to power. Gotta do something with that leftover campaign cash!

He'll try to get the GG to prorogue Parliament till January or else plunge the country into another election. Lotsa luck Stevie!

His minions have also developed a new hobby... eavesdropping on their opponents parliamentary caucus conference calls. Who else had that hobby? Wasn't it that guy who was nicknamed "Tricky Dick"?

The right-wing talk radio dudes will be in full foaming at the mouth mode...if they're not there already.

They may even try to organize a few rallies. Honestly, who'd be crazy enough to freeze their ass off on a cold Canadian December day to stand up for...Harper!

Mind you I think that lots of folks will turn out to Steve's retirement party.

Rallies are being organized in St. John's, Halifax, Charlottetown, Moncton, Regina, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Ottawa on Thursday, December 4th.

There will be rallies at noon on Saturday, December 6th in both Montreal and Toronto.

If you're in this part of the world, hope to see you at Nathan Phillips Square.

You'll find full details on the "coalition rallies" here.

If you're city isn't listed, maybe you can organize your own!

By the way, Green Party leader Elizabeth Maye has also come out in favour of the coalition.

The Greens didn't win any seats last October, but if they had, they would have joined in the fun. You can read her comments on rabble.ca here.

Welcome aboard Liz!

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